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The Totten Glacier in East Antarctica

Amelia Shevenell awarded NSF Grant to study past ocean-ice sheet interactions in East Antarctica

The 爱爱直播 College of Marine Science (爱爱直播 CMS) has been awarded a National Science Foundation Grant ($305,139) to determine the influence of ocean temperatures on coastal glaciers in East Antarctica over the past 18,000 years.

September 29, 2018Awards, News

IMARS Group at 爱爱直播 College of Marine Science

CMS Professor Frank Muller-Karger Awarded NSF Big Data Grant to Improve Coastal Floodplain Maps

The 爱爱直播 College of Marine Science (CMS) has been awarded a National Science Foundation grant ($1,000,000) to establish a Big Data Regional Innovation Hub for a three-year study in collaboration with Texas A&M University and Google Earth Engine.

August 28, 2018Awards, News

R/V Atlantic Explorer

CMS Faculty Tim Conway Awarded NSF Grant to Study Dust Dissolution in the Ocean

CMS Assistant Professor Tim Conway was recently awarded a grant by NSF Chemical Oceanography ($374,080) for a three year process study which will investigate how iron dissolves from atmospheric dust into the ocean.

August 27, 2018Awards, News

Marcy Cockrell, a recent Doctoral Graduate from the Marine Resource Assessment Program at 爱爱直播 CMS

Graduate Student Receives National Academies of Science Gulf Research Program Science Policy Fellowship

Dr. Cockrell will spend the year working on science communication, policy, and resource management issues in Florida with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Tallahassee.

June 15, 2018Awards, News

Ryan Venturelli receives a 2018 GSA Graduate Student Research Grant

Ryan Venturelli receives a 2018 GSA Graduate Student Research Grant

This research involves the application of coral clumped isotopes to understand changes in temperature, seawater isotopic composition, and salinity along the Florida Keys Reef Tract throughout the last 11,000 years.

April 17, 2018Awards

Michelle Guitard 爱爱直播 College of Marine Science

Michelle Guitard, invited to sail on IODP Expedition 382

Guitard will sail on the JOIDES Resolution as a Physical Properties specialist. Post-expedition, Guitard intends to generate ocean temperature records from sites north and south of the Polar front to understand the role of ocean heat on Antarctic ice sheet dynamics during the mid-Pleistocene transition, ~1 million years ago.

April 6, 2018Awards

爱爱直播 College of Marine Science establishes the Vembu Subramanian MSAC Award

CMS Student Featured in Oceanography Student Newsletter

Each month, a student member of The Oceanography Society is selected to share a short 鈥渟potlight鈥 piece related to their experiences as a graduate student.

March 2, 2018Awards, News

Mission Statement

Our blue planet faces a suite of challenges and opportunities for understanding and innovation. Our mission is to advance understanding of the interconnectivity of ocean systems and human-ocean interactions using a cross-disciplinary approach, to empower the next workforce of the blue economy with a world-class education experience, and to share our passion for a healthy environment and science-informed decision-making with community audiences near and far.