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A new model for street design in the age of post-climate-change storms manages the water instead of trying—and failing—to keep it away.

November 10, 2021Resiliency News

Plan signals growing global interest in nature-based solutions to climate change.

September 2, 2021Resiliency News

STEAM Forward! Academy team members display their Pacific Ocean mazes. The workshop was led by resident oceanographer, Regina Easley.

September 1, 2021Resiliency News

The $1 trillion-dollar infrastructure bill passed Aug. 10 by the Senate contains disaster and flood-resilience provisions of historic proportions.

August 17, 2021Resiliency News

Florida’s 2 million outdoor workers — more than 20 percent of its workforce — will be at greater risk of losing their lives and $8.4 billion in total annual earnings.

August 17, 2021Resiliency News

Chieftess of Gullah/Geechee Nation supports new initiative to protect a million acres.

July 12, 2021Resiliency News

Making the North Carolina coast more resilient to the effects of climate change.

March 8, 2021Resiliency News

Mission Statement

Our blue planet faces a suite of challenges and opportunities for understanding and innovation. Our mission is to advance understanding of the interconnectivity of ocean systems and human-ocean interactions using a cross-disciplinary approach, to empower the next workforce of the blue economy with a world-class education experience, and to share our passion for a healthy environment and science-informed decision-making with community audiences near and far.